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Strengths Profile

Do You Need To Know The Strengths Of Your Or Your Team?

Do you, or your team truly work on the basis of strengths? Research shows that the most powerful changes in performance and development extends from activating the strengths that we often under use or just do not know. Most people don’t really know what their strengths are or how to put them to work. We solve this by revealing what you do well and what you love to do, so you can achieve a successful and enjoyable future. Working on the basis of self-knowledge and operating on our strengths, is at the hear of our approach to Coaching, which is founded upon principles of Positive Psychology and encouraging action, autonomy and personal growth. 

Strengths Profile Report

As an Accredited Strengths Coach, we can provide Strengths Profile Assessments for you, a key member of your team to focus development, recognise your Realised Strengths, Weaknesses, Learned Behaviours and Unrealised Strengths. We can manage the testing and prepare the reports and conduct review sessions to explain results and encourage the next steps, and acting on the basis of strengths. 

Strengths Profile Accreditation